Personally, I’m disappointed that the adaptation isn’t following the manga. We’ve missed out on dozens of MC × Nekomata ecchi shenanigans.

We’re continuing with our Normal subtitle track for normal people, and our Super localized track for people who don’t like Japanese names in Japanese media. The Pokémon subs will be made available as patches as each episode is completed. Understand that compiling joke-subs are the lowest of the low priority jobs we have, and aren’t a good reason to delay releasing a show.

The youma of the week is after the break.

Want to learn our True Names? Join us! We’re in need of Translators and Translation checkers, Encoders, Typesetters and KFXers. Skilled Editors and Quality Checkers are also welcome to apply. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.

Jubokko: A tree, often found growing on former battlefields or ground where human blood has spilled. Requiring human blood to survive, it will entangle and trap unsuspecting victims who wander too close. It will either squeeze the blood out of its victim in order for it to soak into the ground, like in this weeks episode, or it will suck the blood of its victim through root like branches.

Oboroguruma: Originally a possessed oxen cart, the term these days can be applied to any vehicle. Born from the negative energy of people that have died during disputes over vehicles, it mainly appears during foggy nights. Only the sound of its squeaky wheels (or engine for modern retellings) indicates its presence. The original oxen cart oboroguruma is depicted with the face of an old woman, rumored to have been killed over a cart ownership dispute.